rbl Brand Agency

Working On A Better Future

It’s easy to feel that the world is in a pretty desperate state at the moment.

I have to steel myself to listen to the news as the double whammy of Covid and Brexit hits us all hard. And no one seems to know when it’s going to end.

As a parent I fear for my children’s prospects, as a local resident I worry about the impact on my immediate community, as a business owner I have concerns about keeping everyone and everything going, and as a tax payer I wonder how on earth we’re going to pay for it all.

But then I stopped to think about all the projects we are working on as a strategic brand agency and I believe every single one of them is a vote of confidence in a better future.

So what is it that we are doing that can give us all hope?

Sport as a tool for social change

We do lots of work in sport for teams, events, governing bodies and government agencies.

This sector is particularly hard hit right now, but in the background there’s a lot going on. The determination to re-emerge stronger than ever and create opportunities for the collective celebration of our human potential is fierce. Let’s not forget our global leadership in sport and how many people are employed in supporting our athletes and staging a vast array of sporting events.

Sport will be back, and when it is, it’s going to be huge.

Skilled manufacturing on home soil

Right now we are working with four very different organisations championing manufacturing in the UK. While many people seemed to have given up on our ability to manufacture goods competitively, there’s a clear opportunity to boost our capabilities in innovation, design and production on home soil.

While importing goods from abroad is proving more complex and costly than ever, it’s good to see public and private sectors players rise to the challenge and invest in the skills and facilities we need to succeed.

We’ve always wanted to work with businesses that make things and truly believe Britain can bring many thousands of people back into well-paid jobs in specialist manufacturing if the conditions are right. We’re doing our bit to help.

Sustainability at the top of the agenda

We have three very different clients who have each put environmental sustainability at the heart of their future strategy. This means making some brave decisions and setting out to change attitudes inside and outside their organisations.

With a clear commitment in the boardroom, change is now happening at every level, leading to better outcomes for their customers, their businesses and our planet.

A higher profile for careers in care

With a growing portfolio of clients in the care sector, we’ve come to appreciate the army of dedicated professionals looking after many of society’s most vulnerable people.

All too often hidden from view, we are helping to celebrate the sector and highlight the value of careers working in complex care. As jobs are lost from our retail and hospitality sectors, there is a clear opportunity to create many meaningful and flexible roles in different settings. If we can help to change attitudes and improve the recognition and status of a career in care then we’ll have made a worthwhile contribution.

Clients come to us when their strategy and brand need to align to achieve transformational change:

  • to make London a truly sustainable capital
  • to use sport as a tool for social change
  • to protect farms and farmers
  • to develop reusable and recyclable packaging
  • to educate the next generation
  • to eradicate devastating disease
  • to back Britain’s best ideas
  • to launch new products and services
  • to achieve sector-leading growth.

The work we do is a vote of confidence in the future and I believe passionately in the positive progress that we are helping our clients to achieve.

We are already shaping a better future. It just hasn’t made the news yet!

Check out our related blog posts below:

Now Is The Time To Work ON Your Business, Not IN Your Business

How We’re Building And Nurturing Client Relationships Remotely

Find Out More About Working With rbl