rbl Brand Agency

We’ve Moved

Today marks a milestone event in our calendar – the new rbl office is up and running! It’s been a labour of love, but everyone but everyone at the agency has played a key role in making it happen.

We spent the weekend putting finishing touches to our fantastic new home, and this morning, with plenty of coffee, we christened the workshop table with our first planning session. Many of our clients haven’t been aware that we’ve moved so there’s been no time to down tools. That being said we did take a brief moment to say thank you to everyone for making this vision a reality.

Without each and every member of the rbl team the move wouldn’t have happened. We rolled up our sleeves and got stuck into the mammoth task of packing, running boxes up and down the lift, in between calls and meetings, and just helping each-other as best we could with every job. This is very much reflective of the ethos of the agency and the supportive and collaborative nature of our team to get the job done.

The office space came together through meticulous planning and some incredible people. A special mention goes to Manufaction Ltd, whose commitment and solution-based approach has been so critical in getting the office up and running and looking fabulous.

The transformation is to a beautifully modern, creative and functional space for our growing team. It’s reflective of the brilliant people we have at the agency. And so, to the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the big reveal.

With our signature neon sign hanging proudly above a stylish yet relaxed seating area, there is a great deal of anticipation for its ceremonial ‘switch on’.

You’ll spot our ‘big brother’ style eye adorning the glass of our quiet room, a space dedicated to those days when you just need to get your head down, away from the Sonos player on shuffle in the background.

Overheard in the rbl office this morning: “I feel spoilt”. By definition; to spoil someone is to reward someone without reason, not the case here. The space is recognition of our team’s hard work, determination and willingness to provide effective strategy, inspiring creativity and delivery above all else.

Like any house move, we can’t wait to throw open the doors. We’re excited to invite clients and friends to come explore, collaborate and enjoy the gorgeous space.

Check out our related blog posts below:

Moving Up By Moving Down!

Why The Office Still Matters

Find Out More About Working With rbl