rbl Brand Agency

What Does A Brand Agency Actually Do?

Appointing a brand agency can be a big decision for a business, so we decided to shed a little bit of light on what it is that we actually do.

1. We ask lots of awkward questions.

Our first priority is to make sure we really understand you, your business and your customers. So, we get out there to see what’s happening, to meet people and listen to their views, to try out your product and service and to see what your competitors are doing.

We come at this with no history, no baggage and no politics, so we are seeing things as they really are, with a fresh pair of eyes.

2. We produce straightforward reports that help get everyone on the same page

We don’t like writing long-winded reports, so we keep ours short and to the point. We try to be as clear and as honest as possible about what we have observed, heard and experienced. We analyse what we have learnt and provide clear recommendations.

We do all of this so that we can get the senior people within an organisation to understand their shared challenges and agree on the key priorities. They are often willing listen to us, as opposed to internal brand advocates, because we are independent and because they are paying us to provide an opinion. It does make a difference!

3. We facilitate the debate at Board level to define a clear way forward

It’s not our job to tell the Board what their strategy should be. But it is our role to facilitate the debate so that they can come to a clear consensus and define how to move forward. In our view, the brand strategy is just the palatable expression of the business strategy. They are one and the same thing.

4. We articulate a compelling brand narrative

Put simply, we tell the story of your brand in a way that will make employees, customers and partners want to listen. We take dry business strategy off the page and turn it into a compelling narrative that will form the basis of all internal and external communications.

5. We make organisations look amazing

We look at every aspect of a brand identity and make these work together to communicate the essence and spirit of your brand. Simply. Creatively. Consistently.

We work out detailed brand identity systems that will work in the real world, with all the constituent elements such as brand hierarchies, colour palettes, typography, imagery and design layouts.

We illustrate how these will work in printed and digital communications, in physical spaces and in brand experiences.

6. We design and produce a wide variety of communications materials

Everything from a brochure, to a website by way of digital films, stationery templates, office interiors and newsletters. Whether it’s for print, digital, a 3-dimensional space or a specific event, we deliver a host of projects managing the structure, content, design, artwork, production and delivery.

These communications are all designed to inform, engage and inspire employees, customers and partners.

7. We orchestrate and deliver complex campaigns that get results

Beyond individual design projects, we are often called upon to develop and deliver larger-scale campaigns that work across many different media and channels to reach their chosen audiences.
We set clear objectives and measure performance.

8. We act as a sounding board for senior managers and marketing teams

Sometimes people just want to get their thinking straight and we provide a good sounding board. We can help kick some early ideas around until a strategy emerges. Or, we might be asked to provide feedback on an idea before it goes too far, to test how robust the thinking is.

Clients at all levels trust us to provide an impartial, professional opinion and to help them make their ideas better.

9. We build pride

When an organisation has a clear vision, a great product and service offer, unifying brand values, a strong visual identity and engaging communications then the people working there feel part of something successful and important. Success begets success.

Strong brands really do help to build employee pride.

10. Ultimately, we create value

Brand can have a significant and direct impact on business performance.

First, it can help you at the P&L level, selling more product, to more people, more often, hopefully at a higher margin. For most organisations their brand is a key enabler for growth.

Secondly, brands can help create value on the balance sheet. Businesses with strong brands are worth much more than those with low brand profile.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this blog, head over to Our Approach to find out about our proven six-stage process.

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