rbl Brand Agency

rbl’s Summer 2021 Reading List

With the English Summer in full swing, we thought it would be the perfect time to put together rbl’s very own Summer Reading List. The theme? All things brand! The list includes all of our favourite brand-related books or online courses that have educated and inspired us to be the strategic branding agency we are today.


Palette Mini-Series 02: Multicolour

“I purchased this book at the Design Museum in London. It remains one of the most successful and sought-after references for designers around the world. This book is a great resource for me, it is small and compact and full of inspirational ideas which are great to reference!” – Josie, Content Designer


Seth Godin – Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

“It’s become a bit of a marketing classic, but it’s a great way of challenging your thinking to create outputs that are genuinely remarkable and create cut-through. It also has the advantage of being very readable and quite short.” – Andrew Milton, Operations Director


Michael Johnson – Branding in Five and A Half Steps

“I’m a huge admirer of Johnson Bank’s ability to create award-winning brand identities that cleverly blend the verbal with the visual. This book exemplifies brand theory through very relevant and clear cases of study and is one of the few books that tackle the overlap between strategy and design – providing invaluable insights.” – Liam Churchard, Senior Designer


The Cheese Monkeys, Chipp Kidd

“For designers it makes them think about their own education and how it shaped them, for non-designers, it’s a window into the soul of creatives.” – Adam Concar, Creative Director


Andy Nairn – Go Luck Yourself: 40 ways to stack the odds in your brand’s favour

Written by one of the world’s leading brand strategists, he talks about strategies that will help anyone responsible for building a brand. Written in a very entertaining style, this book is there to help you improve your brand’s fortunes, in these turbulent times. – Rhiannon Lowe, Strategic Brand Consultant


Bold: How to Be Brave in Business and Win

“I read Bold a long time ago (it was given to me as a present at my first internship) but it made me realise that branding was more than logos and colour. It’s packed with case studies of businesses that break the mould to stand out from the crowd and shows how anything from brand identity to the working environment can be used to help define your brand and do things differently.” – Mattie Lynch, Design Director

Check out our related blog posts below:

Do You Want Your Cow To Be Purple Too?

Why Tribes Are Important To Your Brand

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