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Experts in
brand strategy

We work with complex, ambitious organisations to help them solve big communication challenges, starting with their brand.

Working across multiple sectors we follow a proven, structured process that flexes to the specific needs of each client. While the process may be broadly the same, the outputs and outcomes are always entirely different.

From brand strategy to narrative, positioning and visual brand identity we start by listening, taking the time to understand you and building the insight which underpins the creative solutions to succeed in a brand led world.


Brand Therapy.

Your first step to creating more meaningful connections.

In a fast-paced world, a minute to sit and reflect is rare. But, these moments allow us to move forward with greater intention, purpose, and ambition.   

Brand therapy provides this opportunity through a guided conversation that explores:

> Your organisation's shared values 

> What your audience would miss if your organisation disappeared tomorrow  

> The future your organisation is trying to create

Ultimately, identifying how your brand can create more meaningful connections.

Meaning has three parts:


The shared values of your organisation that make sense of where you are and where you've been.


The core goals, aims, and direction of your organisation with a focus on "what you are there to do". 


The inherent value of your organisation to your internal and external stakeholders.

Reference: Frank Martela
Michael F. Steger (2016)

Our process is designed to clarify each of these, opening up connection points for your brand.

The 3-step process

Here's how it works:


1. Take the Brand Strength Test

Complete our simple 5-minute online diagnostic prior to our meeting to provide context for our conversation.

2. Book a Brand Therapy session

Your chance to explore the challenges you face, and your big dreams for your brand, with our senior strategists.

3. Get results

We'll send you a follow-up report with key takeaways. You can use these to inform a brief for a brand review or brand campaign in the future.

Shape a brand that means more and achieves more.

Fill in the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible. 

    Your name*

    Your email*

    Your phone number

    We are an expert team of researchers, strategists, creatives and project managers working with complex organisations at defining moments of change.

    Core services:

    > brand strategy
    > brand identity
    > brand content
    > brand campaigns
    > brand communications
    > brand management


    We discover the true health of your current brand and the insights you need to move your organisation forward.

    We start off by listening carefully to the views of your senior people, employees, customers and partners. Only when we fully understand where you are today, can we work with you to develop the brand.

    Our services at this stage include:

    • Customer and employee satisfaction
    • Brand perception analysis
    • Marketplace analysis
    • Stakeholder engagement

    We define the strategic platform and unique brand VOICE that will engage your employees, customers, partners and more.

    We will work with you to debate, define and articulate a clear brand strategy for the future using a highly interactive workshop and our bespoke Brand VOICE model that articulates your Vision, Offer, Identity, Culture and Essence.

    Our services at this stage include:

    • Brand strategy
    • Brand architecture
    • Naming
    • Core messaging
    • Communications planning
    • Culture and behaviours

    An identity system that cuts through any and every channel, with clarity, consistency and impact.

    Assessing creativity is too often managed subjectively. Using co-creation, testing and our insight-led design process we remove subjectivity to ensure real engagement and impact with your audiences.

    Our services at this stage include:

    • Core identity
    • Brand look and feel
    • Brand guidelines
    • Core assets and templates

    We deliver the campaigns, communications, spaces and experiences that change the way people think, feel and act.

    We believe that the key to delivering a truly omni-channel brand is to start with the right proposition, one that targets the ‘sweet spot’, where your objectives overlap with your audiences’ needs and wants.

    Our services at this stage may:

    • Launch a new brand, product or service
    • Strengthen your employer brand
    • Persuade your audience to buy, give, act or get involved
    • Grow and support a community of brand advocates

    The Brand VOICE model

    The Define stage of our strategic brand process uses our Brand VOICE model to define a distinctive strategy and help you stand out in a crowded marketplace. What is your Brand VOICE?

    Vision -
    Where are we going and why?

    Developing the strategy and direction for your brand by understanding how your world is changing, your role in that future and how you need to position yourselves in this world.

    Offer -
    What do we have to offer?

    Understanding your key customer groups, what they want and need and how you align what you have to those needs. We challenge you to think about what makes you truly unique.

    Image -
    How do we come across?

    Powerfully defining your future personality, what you’re going to be like to deal with and how you’re going to look, sound and communicate.

    Culture -
    How do we do things around here?

    Exploring the things that really matter to you and the spirit that defines you. This provides the foundations for a culture that will successfully deliver the brand.

    Essence -
    What defines us?

    Getting to the heart of the organisation by stripping everything unnecessary away, uncovering the big idea that shapes everything you do and what really matters to you.

    Brand Strategy in action


    Active Care Group - uniting 40 separate businesses behind a powerful, unifying philosophy

    View case study

    Brand Strategy in action


    Creating a game-changing brand to accelerate the transition to a cleaner future

    View case study

    Brand Strategy in action


    A dynamic brand for World Triathlon as innovative as the movement they lead and unite

    View case study


    Creating a disruptive new brand to completely change the way the UK thinks about health

    View case study


    We come highly recommended

    for Strategic Thinking 9.6

    for Effectiveness 9.5

    for Creativity & Innovation 9.3